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Account management

Account management

In order to reduce the accounting processing and clearing accounting links between institutions in the system and between institutions and other banks, the level and jurisdiction of institutions are diluted in the system, so as to improve the efficiency of business processing and convenient and intuitive data display mode. The project is mainly to change the inter-bank inter-bank deposit and withdrawal business, the accounting and clearing of exchange transactions, the inter-bank capital flow accounting and clearing, as well as the related teller balancing account and closing statements.

By optimizing the intra system universal deposit and withdrawal transactions, intra bank and municipal current account processing mode, inter-bank exchange business, rural credit bank universal deposit and withdrawal, UnionPay platform business, intra city bill exchange, electronic bill system, profit and loss upward transfer, sub branch account balancing and other related businesses, cancel the clearing transition account of each institution, the clearing capital account of each institution, and the sub branch opened in the sub branch clearing center by each department of the sub branch Capital account. So as to achieve the effect of simplifying the intermediate business among different levels and making the related accounting of various institutions clearer and clearer.

Program advantages:

1. Simplify the intermediate business process.

2. Improve the efficiency of business processing.

3. Reduce the system resource occupation.

4. The data shows that the accounting transactions are clear and clear.

Address:Wangjing Rongke Centre, Tower A 1207, Chaoyang District , Beijing China Tel:(8610)84760800 E-mail:enquiry@ipacs.com
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