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Online Transaction Platform

Online Transaction Platform

It provides a customized online transaction platform for customers in the financial industry, which offers stability, efficiency, flexibility and security, and helps customers in the financial industry simplify the online transaction process and improve the online transaction processing efficiency. Online transaction platform provides modular, visual configuration of technical components, open services and data to quickly customize the unique online transaction system, so as to achieve the security and stability of core transactions, rapid processing requirements, and support the rapid development of business and low-cost innovation goals.

Advantages of the solution:

● Use pre start mechanism to improve transaction performance
– pre start job
- pre open file
- pre allocated memory space

● Use transaction grouping to achieve load balancing of the system
● each transaction group can be defined separately:
- number of pre started jobs
- priority of the job
- pre opened files
- size of pre allocated memory space
● maintenance of transaction processing control information
● inspection control during transaction execution
● provide a variety of in-process oversight actions

● Maintenance of control parameters

● provide a variety of in-process oversight actions

Through the above definition, we can define the priority of key business, so as to ensure the priority operation of key business transactions in peak hours

Address:Wangjing Rongke Centre, Tower A 1207, Chaoyang District , Beijing China Tel:(8610)84760800 E-mail:enquiry@ipacs.com
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