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International settlement

International settlement

With the increasingly frequent political, economic and cultural exchanges between countries, the exchange of currencies has become an essential key. However, before the countries, there are regional differences and different currency circulation. In the import and export trade between countries, the currency receipt and payment behavior occurs, it will inevitably produce the currency payment settlement. As an important monetary and financial institution of a country, banks need to undertake the responsibility of currency settlement, including not only domestic currency settlement, but also foreign currency settlement, which also results from the international business settlement business of banks.

International business settlement system

External data (message) docking, settlement business classification, business process control, system registration of business process information, external management, transaction inspection and verification, transaction reporting and registration, inter bank system linkage, business reconciliation, external management reports.

Credit system

Loan related support: audit and information registration of trade financing loan, letter of guarantee advance, etc., and monitoring of each stage of the loan process.

Core system
Opening and closing of settlement account (domestic currency and foreign currency), settlement information registration, real-time or batch settlement business accounting processing, accounting information registration, account information verification, account control, account and accounting related inquiry, etc.

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